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The manufacturing of accessories goes through multiple stages: highlighting the neoprene, printing and finally sewing.
Our mission: the victory of color over the black of neoprene.

Nos donateurs de combinaisons

The collection of combis

Meet the local actors

Making the journey to the sea, to the surfing/sailing schools, means creating a network of people involved in recycling.



The manufacturing of accessories goes through multiple stages: highlighting the neoprene, printing and finally sewing.
Our mission: the victory of color over the black of neoprene.

We recycle neoprene in Bordeaux

The cutting

Transform & store

These raw suit pieces are then cut into printable pieces.

They are washed with a biodegradable antibacterial, then dried in the su

making of the typon

The creation

Draw, print the typon

The computer creation of the typon is essential to make the screen which will serve as a “stencil” for printing.

L'ecran de sérigraphie doit etre tres precis

The screen

Make the stencil

The screen is first coated with a photosensitive (light-sensitive) material and then exposed to a lamp with the typon placed above. The screen "bakes" and hardens, except for the areas protected by the black of the typon, which are then removed with a water jet.

Screen printing in Bordeaux

The impression

Screen printing

Each accessory is hand-printed. Screen printing offers an infinite choice of colors and allows for beautiful gradients. Our inks are water-based and of exceptional quality. They have great elasticity and are soft to the touch.


The 2nd cut

Separate the bracelets

After printing, the plates are cut into individual bracelets ready to be sewn.

Hand sewing at Néocombine


Close the bracelet

Néocombine has developed a hand-sewn closure for its bracelets. The key rings are sewn using a professional sewing machine in its workshop.

Je souhaite un devis rapide

500 et +

What is screen printing?

Is a fascinating printing technique that involves applying ink through a stencil screen using a squeegee. It is a very versatile method, allowing printing on a variety of media and with different types of ink, but also on anything that can pass through the mesh of the screen. For example, it is even possible to print chocolate on a crepe!


The term "screen printing" does not come from the expression "serial", although this is one of its main assets, but from the word "silk". This technique was developed in China in the 13th century, where the screen was originally stretched with silk.

Its assets

It allows you to obtain rich and intense colors including fluorescent or metallic shades as well as  magnificent gradients.


It stands out for its resistance, surpassing that of all other printing techniques.


The only downside is that screen printing allows for few colors, because each color requires the production of a screen and therefore a second layer of printing


Screen printing at Néocombine

We screen print our accessories in-house, ensuring consistent and reliable quality.


We have acquired expertise in printing on Neoprene, using inks designed for the haute couture sector. These inks offer excellent elasticity and a pleasant touch.


Additionally, our screen printing inks are solvent-free and contain a hardener, giving them remarkable durability.

couleurs encre dégradés ... metal fluo orange bleus verts roses noir
atelier SERIGRAPHIE neocombine bordeaux
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They are talking about us

The team

The Fab

Screen printing


Our partners

Where to find us



Beach Collection

Transat Collection


Limited editions

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Become a distributor

Le Néoprène

History of the wetsuits


Payment Method


Carte bleu (Stripe)

Contact :

Neocombine is not a store

We only receive by appointment

Tram Cross of Seguey / Bordeaux

Tel : + 33 (0) 6 24 07 64 51

mail :

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